Why Blog?

Why Blog?

Why Blog?

Why Blog? What questions do I need to ask when embarking on my first Blog?

  • Why?
  • Will I have time?
  • Who wants to read it?
  • What will I blog about?
  • How often do I need to blog?
  • How will it help my business?

What Questions do you ask in your Business?

The wheel above shows the fundamental questions that I find we need to apply to most of our business problems

Why Blog?

My aim is to help my clients by giving useful and interesting business tips that you can either use immediately in your business, will provoke some thought for further discussion, or help you in finding solutions to your business issues.  Research for a blog also helps me to stay up to date on current business issues.

Reasons for you to blog in your business:

  1. To engage and connect with your customers
  2. Increase in lead generation and customer acquisition - an important part of your sales strategy
  3. Increase in your Google ranking
  4. Creating rich content can increase your credibility with your customers
  5. Ultimately:  To increase sales

Will I have time?

Hopefully, yes!  Some of my blogs may be shorter than others when I'm rushed off my feet, but I believe the key to a good blog is to make it interesting, engaging and relevant for you, the reader.

With a little planning a blog should become part of your business strategy. Put together a calendar of topics to help you create your blog and deliver the frequency Whatyou have promised your audience.

Who wants to read it?

Clients and followers who are interested in business tips to help them in their business.  If you like what you read, please share it!

For you: You need to understand your audience to ensure you create content that will engage them.  Putting together target personas will help you to achieve this.

What will I blog about?

Subjects that I have researched during client assignments and anecdotal stories that I believe will be of interest to you. If you have topics that you would like me to cover, please don't hesitate to drop me a line.

Understand your target personas and what they would like to read.  Include images, diagrams and videos to increase engagement.

How often should I blog?

I'm aiming for 2 blogs per month - quality v. quantity!  The statistics tell us that the optimal blogs are around 2-3,000 words.  My choice would be a shorter blog with images and infographics where possible to bring it to life.

The subject matter and audience will have a bearing on how frequently you blog.  Don't be afraid to ask for comments from your audience to help you improve.

How will a blog help my business?

If you search google for metrics and statistics on blogs there are an infinite number of sites and pieces of research telling you how blogging increases sales leads, improves your Google rankings, improves your social media engagement etc.

Here is a link to a great infographic on the state of blogging for 2016 that summarises many of the reasons for creating and managing a blog:   https://blogging.org/blog/state-of-the-blogging-world-2016

Infographic of Blogging Statistics 2016

HubSpot reports that business owners who utilise blogs within their marketing strategy get 67% more views and leads than those who do not

That's all for now. Happy Blogging!

See You Soon


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